Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29, 2012

(bit from my journaling)

First day of schools closed as a teacher!!! Though I wish it weren't due to an east coast hurricane. 

This morning I am reminded of the many blessings in my days as I watch the rain fall. 
We are all scattered in the midst of this storm, yet I feel so intricately connected.
From my dear friend nestled in Haiti with sixty some others in the hovering of a shelter,
To my little munchkins curled up, maybe even with a good book? in the arms of ma's and pa's 
who fight the storm with strong words of comfort, just like mine did, and still do,
To the scattered and networked friends of prayer I have spoiled but grateful access to through the internet,
To the One whose hands are all over this seemingly mess. 

I sit here with iced coffee, a challenging read, reminiscent pictures, a bundle of conference forms and envelopes ready to be filled with reminders of love. All to the tune of some of this,

In my devotions this crested morning, I was reminded of a truth I often let slip away.

He was. And is. And is to come.

What hope comes alive in the windows of our past, climbs directly in to our now moments and presses contagiously into our tomorrow. 

As the storm approaches and people 'prepare', I am spoiled by the arms of safety that welcome me. 
The many homes that have my nomadic spine and restless feet. 
I age into the day, beautifully I am learning, and am content in the abundance of love I may run to, and most importantly now, into The Arms of Rest I choose. 

with hands learning to love,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The first day

The first day of the rest of my life, 

Father, I pray that you might make this work complete in my heart and be-ing.

"And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His spirit." Ephesians 2:22

If you ask anyone that knows me, they'll tell you that I handle many things well...thunderstorms, strange animals, babies, mudsliding, poor nicknames, nomadic travels... 

That being said they'll also tell you that there's one thing, among many, that I do not handle well...that is change. And that, my friends, is the story of the last many months. Good things, unexpected things, difficult things, lovely things.

Bring it life. What joy God must find in His curious plans.

Here are some of my joys recently, 

What are yours?

Love, m

Monday, July 23, 2012

But Miss Emmy...

Friday at work, today at work, and most days at work,
the children I am with try me and my spirit,
but boy do they build up my soul.

I can truly say that I love who they are,
unique sons and daughters of some amazing Maker,
and the ones that I learn from each day.

So many times throughout the day I hear,

"But Miss Emmy" with heavy sighs and eye rolls and sometimes, snaps.
"That's deep Ms. M, that's deep"
"Why ya gotta be so mean"
"Oh my gosh, you're ruining my life"
and my favorite,
"That's trifling"

(from 6-11 year olds)

But more times throughout the day I get
hugs that light up my day, little girls calling me beautiful, questions seven feet under surface, stories opened wide and bug eyes that make me melt.

And they build my faith and light that hope even when stress balls and reminders of His love are totally needed.

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
-Isaiah 40:30-31

Have a lovely evening,

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

the stranger at the river

and sometimes we have to recall where we come from, 

that thick part in our veins that reminds us where we get our oxygen and reason and footsteps to 

just go.

Last night I found myself down at the river.
And happenstance found me writing a letter full of pressed tension and heart.
It was nights like last night that God and I play tug-o-war. 
Snot falling from my nose, beauty mixed into the pink sunset, and the calm of my pen.
by the scent of a stranger.

"Good evening, madam" -said stranger
"Hello" - said I
and the conversation continued unexpectedly for the better part of an hour.

We talked about the meaning of life, found ourselves in the small world of old rival high schools, 
and expressed notions of seasons both changing and undone. 
Then our feet and the darkness took us to our own corners

but I'm certain of this, 

that stranger at the river might have saved a moment in my very small, but eternally beautiful life.

Thank you,


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

summer winds

"My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

I love that there is a secret place.
I love that God has a book.
I love that curiosity drives the day.

Today I spent time running in sun, under shade, eating fresh strawberries from our garden and craving community. #thanksmessiah.

I needed to step back and be thankful for these moments of slowing down.
Whispering, take your time go slowly.
And here is what I found.



Monday, May 7, 2012


as of 8:37 am this morning, I am officially done all academia-related-ness with my undergrad experience.

and now, I celebrate with these happy things.
take a peek at goodness.


thankful for today,

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fancy that

Today was a homemade dinner kind of day.

 I find myself restless in the odd hours between four and eight because people that are 
important to me don't get home until much later than I.
 And so, I get handsy.
Making crafts, writing letters, clicking stumble and cooking yummy things.
This evening's meal consisted of: Turkey burger with lettuce, tomato and spicy mustard, cucumbers, baked beans and potato chips. Scrumptious.

Also, I fancied this dress from a friend. 
I twirled endlessly today and felt like I was in the 60's.

How was your day?
