Wednesday, May 16, 2012

summer winds

"My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

I love that there is a secret place.
I love that God has a book.
I love that curiosity drives the day.

Today I spent time running in sun, under shade, eating fresh strawberries from our garden and craving community. #thanksmessiah.

I needed to step back and be thankful for these moments of slowing down.
Whispering, take your time go slowly.
And here is what I found.



Monday, May 7, 2012


as of 8:37 am this morning, I am officially done all academia-related-ness with my undergrad experience.

and now, I celebrate with these happy things.
take a peek at goodness.


thankful for today,

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fancy that

Today was a homemade dinner kind of day.

 I find myself restless in the odd hours between four and eight because people that are 
important to me don't get home until much later than I.
 And so, I get handsy.
Making crafts, writing letters, clicking stumble and cooking yummy things.
This evening's meal consisted of: Turkey burger with lettuce, tomato and spicy mustard, cucumbers, baked beans and potato chips. Scrumptious.

Also, I fancied this dress from a friend. 
I twirled endlessly today and felt like I was in the 60's.

How was your day?
