Welcome to our new home,
at the SALT house.
[serving and living together]
We hope you like what you see. If you do, hire alyssa as your personal interior designer. I take no credit for the arrangement, only the faces of love I plastered all over the walls. While drinking some fireside coffee from a dear friend, we felt an odd combination of calm and overwhelmedness at the thought that this is our last semester ever at MC. Can you believe it?! So before the real world happens, let the adventures in young whimsical hearts begin.

[serving and living together]
We hope you like what you see. If you do, hire alyssa as your personal interior designer. I take no credit for the arrangement, only the faces of love I plastered all over the walls. While drinking some fireside coffee from a dear friend, we felt an odd combination of calm and overwhelmedness at the thought that this is our last semester ever at MC. Can you believe it?! So before the real world happens, let the adventures in young whimsical hearts begin.

love, Margs and Lyssa
ad (also dubbed)
Mo and Lys

p.s. soundtrack thanks to sister
Beautiful!!! Whoo Cant believe you graduate at the end of this semester!!!