What a love I have been graced with for this place.
I arrived here on Sunday afternoon after one of my sweetest friends married her fond fellow.
(congratulations cory and allisa)

beautiful, eh?
So I got here Sunday and I met Snowridge 2011. I can't believe 2 years have gone by since that first summer. Caleb, now 7, came running down the hill yelling in happiness "margot's here" and jumped into my arms. Broke my heart. Made it real. Everything here is bordered in memories. The tight little cavities I try and squeeze through, the mornings with the sparrows and the aspens hit by sunlight. I love it. And I hate it. Because I need it more than I wish to say.
I am living with Wendy, Scott and their four kids this summer. I've been sent back to the bunk bed years and it has never been such a delight. Waking up to cheerios and the little bickerings of siblings. Feeling welcomed by their family. I was even presented the opportunity to wash the floor. The boys left it filled with grime last summer. And at 9,000 ft. elevation, we get to walk up a ginormous hill many times a day to reach home. God is so gracious to challenge me.
We have hit the sanddunes, embraced soul-to-souls, played with baby Elijah in the sand and water [He calls me marmo], eaten hobo dinners, opened up the word, had time to rest, and we have a new cook and his wife this summer- Hendricks and Judi. Currently Hendricks is singing his favorite melodies, Italian opera, as he makes charcoaled hamburgers. Couldn't be better.
Tonight I am going on an adventure with the boys. Lucas says we are going to collect freaky bugs.
Will post pictures later,
in the meantime follow the link to this song,
margot marie
Ahhh I didnt know you were going back to Snowridge!!! I'll be praying for you girl!!! Lets chat soon! xxx