Wednesday, September 28, 2011

find your mojo

everybody's gotta
get their
mojo back.

nothing speaks for mine
like a flavorful iced tea, in a vintage little coffeeshop,
with kate nash melodies
beating in my ear drum.

where did you lose yours? or was it just put on hold amidst your chaos.
regardless, go grab it and share it
with your peeps,
saying welcome home ol' friend.

"mouthwash", miss kate nash. Link

Sunday, September 25, 2011

some birds

And the swallows knelt down by the river,
Faces lifted to the sunlight 'neath their
Crippled water.
And light it echoed, Come
Home to me.
But the water filtered thin
Kept the surface of their skin. And the hollows of their
Hearts were aired thin from free.
Under sky nostalgic named,
Withered clouds that tainted shame,
In that old pride of needed to land.
Silent songs of restoration,
Nesting secrets, self abandon of the
Pain that kept them perched on that old limb.
In melatonin sleep, their dreams laid for quiet keep,
Nocturnal night they prey the promised
As they turn.
Milk and honey 'neath the water,
Break reflected in the murmur of the
Lies casting storm upon their wings.
In the dawn the tired tread,
Wait for grace of flight its stead, Resting
Safely in the shadow of free wings.
Naked spirit,
won't you come and live

[This weekend hit the spiritual yummy spot. Never would I have thought I'd be
standing here today. Tall, beautiful, held by a God who set me free. Letting me move
forward in my love and feet ago. Here's to years of liberation, twelve months of being chiseled, and made beautiful like the calm after the storm. Here's to healing.]

Weekend Yummys.

Spontaneity meets Wisdom
at its finest. Tattoo.

That much needed drive. Of windows down
and Ingrid breathing. And finally some watered eyes.

Pumpkin spice latte. And a lifer.
Does it get much better?

Griffin House. Good Old War.

Giving in to time,

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thankful for my poppa!!

Thankful for you Friday,

And then God gave you, me.


Dear Daddy,

Margot Marie

P.S. Things you should know about this moment:

1. I don't favor public speaking
2. I do favor growing opportunities
3. I had this stuck in my head,
4. I was going for the "crickets at moonlight with the pitter patter of rain" effect with the backdrop.
5. Thought in my head: Tomorrow is so close. So many beautiful unknowns at my fingertips.
Do you feel the same?

See you in the morning, sunshines.

[storymap of dadandme]

inklings from a pa to a daughter.

(to risk and take in every second of it)

(to smile in your company)

(you don't fear the water, the water fears you.
and clearly, walk in confidence)

(to adventure out to the edges)

(to say hi...and then know people)

(to let your dreams reside for time and keeping)

(to show love even when its undesired. i.e. sister)

Friday, September 16, 2011

and thankful for you friday.

shout out, children.

what an honor it is to have been one of you,
learn with you, struggle for you, snuggle with you, cry for
teach you and most of value, know you as your Maker does.

Today, I had my first full day of in-school experience. 107 faces. Eagerly anticipating my arrival. And [quite literally] hanging on to my arm as I left. 7:04 to the 2:13 dismissal bell. I know now why God placed that yearning in my heart, even if it is just for a season.

The trying balance comes when the tension pulls between showing affection, nurturing hands, and listening ears to their story with the firm voice of "please sit down this is not the time" that I am gradually building.

But back on track. I love children. Let's take a picture scroll of those that have made my life better. Their faces and expressions coinciding with mine say more than the words I could attach to them.

little steps,

and for today

Some might argue that a writing at 5:36 in the am is counterproductive to the aim when it is filled with ramblings and unfiltered words. I guess I would then argue, it depends on the aim and the writer. The writer, being self, is not ashamed to say these things of concern come naturally to her regardless of time. The aim is pure: share the goings on in the life of ms. moorman per request of a far-away-lifer, and to challenge you with this the same,

how is your morning going to shape your today?

This morning I teach from 7-3, what a grace. Filled with 60 new faces [yes, forgetful me is going to have her brain working hard on names], I pray with urgency for them, as I pray for you right now. That they might come and know that they are being known.

In order to do this I made little booklets- scrap lines and paper folders that they can call their own. For today they can fill in the following,

Question: Answer (examples by me)

1. First thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: Giant stink bugs with horns the size of elephant trunks.

2. What color would describe your heart today: Hazel

3. Theme for this season of your life: "Risk the ocean, sail on grace"

4. One word to describe the person you trust most: Agape

5. A goal you have for the next 7 days: Patience

6. The song that is "just getting to you" lately: Bon Iver, Minnesota WI.

7. If you could be anything right this instant: I'd be a swallow.

8. One person you know you need to have a conversation: A friend

9. Fruit that would describe your yesterday: A grape, a little sweet. a little sour.

10. Your biggest fear for this year: Letting go and letting new and letting in

11. If you could do anything right this moment: I'd get on a train, and climb on the top and breathe deep.


(and in our fall, you let us climb again. what a risk i miss
and crave. though, don't try this at home)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thankful for you Friday

Thankful for you Friday,
in honor of,

Little pieces of free

(yes, not so traditional)

Today this nice old man with strawberry hair asked me if my feet hurt walking on the flood remnants and little pebbles on the road. I (awkwardly, per usual) said no-I prefer barefoot and free, thinking, if only you knew how calloused my feet are, it's actually kind of disgusting.

But truly, I treasure this barefoot thing. Grass between my toes, the smooth break of mud, or little stones that clip my heels and humbly remind me that I am not invincible. Yum.

Other things that have made free- in all the measures of the word- tangible this week:

1. coffee. tea leaves. ice trays in the morning.
2. the word "no".
3. spiders. elaboration: i don't like spiders. but i like them more than before. they have breathed nature and life into the nature i don't really see outside my Harrisburg window. their dainty little webs of silk spun around my car window. what a trip. [though its not like the freedom in climbing trees which i just miss]
4. Isaiah 29:16

5. Babies. Written and directed by Thomas Balmes.

6. Bike rides in the city rain.
7. Having a roof over my head.
8. A friend- and later a movie-saying to you, "Its time to let go". What do you have to let go of?
9. Said movie above providing a free night to rest and being the epic combination of the goonies and transformers 1.
10. a dad who calls me beautiful each day. and a Father who affirms that.

11. fleet foxes, mumford, bon iver...
and a must see preview, i couldn't resist.

with love,

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thankful for you Friday

Thankful for you, Rebecca Rose,


[oh, tis clear. see above]

my prayer for you today: God, I thank you for sisters. I praise you for the roots that bind them.
I lift up Becca, my Bub, as she is playing her trumpet tonight and engaging with friends. I pray she might indulge herself in the joys of life these next three years of high school and that you breathe life into her dreams. You have softened my heart and taught me to love deeply through her. Protect her from the lies. Let her learn beautiful by the way you call her each morning. Amen.

p.s. thankful for Fridays, period. This morning Lyssa and I woke up to the cool morning. Only got lost on 2 one-way streets and soaked ourself in the word at midtown scholar. Favorite new place? Without a doubt. If you love iced tea, coffee beans, used books and people seeing, treat yourself to such a start to the day.


( a little bit of midtown)