And you pick up the crippled man,
and the world feels so alive.
my my my.
what 3 days have just happened.
you know what climbing trees are like, yes?
[the tree] it begs you upward.
it says, climb me, there's so much to see.
you hesitate
slowly choosing to do it anyway,
cause you can't reject the rush.
and you climb, climb, climb.
even if you are afraid of heights.
cause you know the rush has moved from your head to your toes
and is now deep inside of you.
you can't escape.
so you grab and go.
and then gravity [or sunday night] calls you back down.
and you let the tree cravings wait patiently for another time.
things i am a fan of that have taken place in the last 72 hours:
1. thunderstorms and willow trees
2. oxytocin
3. clay in my hands
4. bathroom talk
5. sweet old lady's and little babies
6. yummers consisting of:
macchiato, gushers, and pesto.
7. my jesus
8. the music man
9. husky
10. my momma celebrating another year of
a beautiful life (happy birthday!)
11. lifers